Saturday, March 3, 2012

One post down...

Here I am, blogging.  I don't even know where to begin. 

I guess I'm going to start with why I am here.  I need a place to collect and process my thoughts.  I tried a diary but I end up crossing everything out and re-writing my thoughts.  (Have I mentioned I have a Master's Degree in Secondary Education - English/Langauge Arts?) So yeah, I "red pen" myself until I got so frustrated I gave up. I tend to do that in many areas of my life (but I don't give up).  As I post I'm sure my anal OCD tendancies will come through.  I like to think I'm incredibly determined but it definately has its flaws... 

My hope is this blog lets me clear any random thoughts and share fun ideas.  I'm open to comments and opinions, just please be kind. 

Yes! 1 post down... LOL

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